Saturday, May 11, 2019

why c programming is important | Why learn C programming

why c programming is important
why c programming is important
C Programming is a mother of programming language. So c programming is important more than others language.If you want a Good programmer learn C Now.

#Why C programming is Important?

#1 Mother of  Language:

Dennis Ritchie is a creator of C Programming. There are many programming but  C is a Mother of Programming language. you know about C program you can drive any others languages such as PHP backend language,
Just know The basic of  programming.

#2 Basic details In programming

C language has good feature of programming and details about Basic programming.
1. What is Data Types
2. What is Variable
3. What is Byte or kilobyte
4. What is loop how to work Loop
5. For Loop 
6. while Loop
7. Do while Loop.
8. If Else Condition
9. Basic of operator 
10. Array.

#3 Many functionality
C Program Have many function and library for solving a problem . you can easily use this functionality for solve programming.

#3 UVA problem solving 
uva Is a where you can find thousands of program for increase your programming skills. and this problem easily solve using C program. Try it now.

So Learn C programming and build up your programming knowledge easily.

You can learn from here basic of C programming
1.Print hello world in C 
write a program to find area of triangle in c
follow here

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